Thursday, February 7, 2008

Diet or Repentance?

We are in what Christians have called the season of Lent. While I am very thankful that many people still take this season seriously, I am suspicious of whether or not many Christians understand what Lent is all about.

I have encountered many individuals in the past few days who have decided to give up some type of food (usually chocolate or sugar). But this is it. I don't want to be reductionistic, but it seems like many people think about Lent as an opportunity to rekindle their New Years resolutions to lose a few pounds. This surface approach is not only dangerous but cheap- when Jesus offers us such rich mercy!

I encourage everyone to think about why we partipcate in Lent- this seasonal journey to the cross. Instead of giving up lattes and Big Macs- let's reflect on how we are marked by Christ. The goal of Lent is not to lose 20 pounds (or even to forsake our favorite foods) but to enable us to experience the freedom of a lifestyle of faith and repentance that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Magdiel Martinez said...

I haven't been too good at giving up foods so far...but I have read the Bible and pray more than I usually do. I am putting aside some things that should not be in my life to begin with...and to really focus on God :)