Thursday, February 7, 2008

Transformative Worship

"A person will worship something. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshiping we are becoming"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Evangelism is often separated from worship. What really matters, some argue, is that a person "accept Jesus into their life". Worship is important-no doubt about that- but it's not as important as the initial moment of conversion.

This line of thinking stems more from an American understanding of democratic choice and liberty than the portrait given to us in the Scriptures of a disobedient life being radically transformed by the glory of the Lord.

Worship is diluted in many churches (I believe) because of a misunderstanding of its fundamental nature. Worship is not simply singing songs to God (although this is a manifestation of it). Worship is bigger than what most Christians think. Worship really describes the entirety of our lives. What we give ourselves to, what shapes and molds us are all things that we worship.

The Bible is very clear that we will begin to reflect whatever we worship. Worship is transformative. If you worship sex or money, your life will be marked by these things. As Christians, we long to be renovated and transformed by worshiping Christ our King. As we come to know him, and serve him, and give our lives over to him - our fractured and broken lives will begin to reflect his mysterious and penetrating beauty.

This is important for evangelism. Our goal should be to communicate the gospel to others not merely to "save them from hell", but to invite them into a worshiping community so their lives will be genuinely changed. Let's not separate evangelism and worship. Those we encounter in our schools, our jobs and our neighborhoods (who are not believers) are already worshiping something. You have to find out what that is- and help them to see that it is ultimately damaging their lives. Only worshipping the Triune God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit-can bring lasting refreshment and deep transformation into out lives. This is good news. This is our message. This is our hope. Let's be a part of healing the nations through worship.

1 comment:

Magdiel Martinez said...

It's funny that you quote Emerson...he was a Transcendentalist, his father was a Unitarian minister, and he was a Unitarian minister at one point.. :)

Its true, whatever we give ourselves to becomes our objects of worship...